No. 5

The Questionnaire with Stefan Pagréus

Psychologist, author and creative director in Stockholm.

To celebrate the spirit of curiosity, we present "The Questionnaire" – an interview series that offers a glimpse into the lives of those we admire.

Stefan Pagréus is a licensed psychologist, runs his own therapy office in Stockholm, and has a background in advertising and marketing as a copywriter. He is also one of the founders of A Day’s March. Tvärtom ("The Opposite") is his first book, in which he shows us how we can use simple principles to tackle the life worries we all suffer from – and how we can feel better. The book is now available for purchase in our stores on Kungsgatan 3 and Åsögatan 126 in Stockholm.

What did you have for breakfast? – Four cups of coffee. What goes through your head before you dress in the morning? – This time of year, I am thinking a lot about temperature. Other recurring thoughts include: Where is that other sock? I should sort out my wardrobe. Why doesn’t I fit in a cap when everyone else does?

What do you always carry with you? – My IWC Mark XII watch. My Macbook. My Iphone. Snus. My Commes des Garçons wallet. A slight dose of perfume.

“I enjoy ideas and people; it is central to everything I do."

How come you do what you do? – I do a lot of different stuff. I guess I am a bit restless. But I enjoy ideas and people; it is central to everything I do, from my work with A Day’s March to working as a therapist and writing this book.

What do you love about Stockholm? – Stockholm can be a bit cold and unfriendly (figuratively and literally), but to me, it is home. I mostly hang out in dodgy bars with my friends, but I also think we have a pretty decent restaurant scene going for us. What are you most proud of? – I embrace change and tend to get stuff done. I have a beautiful family and superb friends. I was not very good at school, but I somehow managed to pull through. Do you dream? – All the time. Writing a book has been a long-time dream for me.

Stefan's book "Tvärtom" is available to purchase in our stores on Kungsgatan 3 and Åsögatan 126 in Stockholm.


The Questionnaire: Junior BrielleFall/Winter 2024